Monday, July 11, 2016

On Blue posts and logic

Just saw the following posted to Twitter:
Can you confirm Design: Rhinestone Sunglasses dropping properly on US servers? all confirmed drops are EU players
The response from @WarcraftDevs:
Either those EU players got lucky, or they care more about sunglasses than US. The recipe drops all over the world.
Now, I have no idea how to determine who's gotten the pattern and not, but I assume that OP does and that his source is valid for the purpose of this point. How would it be possible for there to be a world RNG drop that is found only by EU players if there's not an issue with it?

I cannot even fathom the logic behind "oh, EU must be farming those rares that might or might not still drop that pattern and the US is a bunch of slackers."

WTF, Blizz?

Monday, September 21, 2015

Hello, and WTF, Blizz?

Hello, Blizz world! Starting this blog to document the many, many things in World of Warcraft that have made me say, "WTF, Blizz?" I'm angling for a position as the head "WTFer" at Blizzard Entertainment - a position whereby game design decisions would be reviewed with an eye towards whether a significant swath of players would say, "WTF, Blizz?"

Here's a very simple example. You can buy a portable refrigerator, or make an advanced refrigeration unit, to hold all your cooking items. These bags can hold 1,103 different items within them: cooked foods, ingredients, you name it. They can in fact contain rice flour. They cannot, however, contain simple flour, despite the fact that it is used in probably the first recipe thing aspiring chefs make in the game, spice bread.

So stuff like that. Gonna use this to channel my curmudgeonly side.